Theme 1 (T1) investigates methods and frameworks for developing scalable and secure data-driven software systems: interoperable software architectures, scalable workflow analytics, clinical decision support, systems sustainability.
Theme 2 (T2) will enable the vision of a highly heterogenous data environment where device data from wearables, patient-generated content and structured/unstructured information from electronic health records can combine seamlessly: machine learning from heterogenous data, time series analytics, natural language processing, deep phenotyping.
Theme 3 (T3) focuses on the paradigm of building simulated environments, including healthcare settings or virtual patients, to enable training machine learning and AO models: predictive analytics, systems simulation, casual inference.
Theme 4 (T4) will place usability front and centre to ensure health data science applications are usable in clinical settings and are aligned with users' workflows: knowledge representation, designing for usability, voice and video interfaces.
Theme 5 (T5) is a cross-cutting exploring co-production and co-design, stakeholder engagement, evaluation techniques and maximising impact: public and patient involvement, co-production and co-design, medical device and data regulation, productising academic software, and health economics and evaluation.
EPSRC DRIVE-Health Centre for Doctoral Training in Data-Driven Health