Olivia Dann
EPSRC DRIVE-Health Student 2024 Cohort

PhD project title

Reducing health inequalities for children through a data-driven approach to healthcare.

Research interests

Paediatric health, health systems and policy, translational research, health promotion and prevention, social determinants of health and adverse childhood experiences, speech and language therapy.

Hobbies and interests

Tennis, yoga, pilates, travel, cinema, theatre and music.

Co-funding Partner


Olivia is a PhD student in the Department of Women & Children’s Health in the School of Life Course & Population Sciences. She is part of the Child Health Integrated Learning and Delivery System (CHILDS) Research Group. The title of Olivia's research project is 'Reducing health inequalities for children through a data-driven approach to healthcare'. Her research will leverage Population Health Management tools and methods to enable the identification of children with unmet needs in the community and target early intervention. Use of learning health systems will enable further understanding into the health system factors that contribute to health outcomes for children in Southwark and Lambeth.
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